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Steganography comes from the Greek words for "covered writing".It is the practice of disguising the existence of a message.Generally, innocent looking carriers, e.g., pictures, audio, video, text, etc. that hold the hidden information The combination of hidden data-plus-cover is known as the stego-object Stegokey An additional piece of information, such as Login Login Login Login Login a password or mathematical variable, required to embed the secret information Typical Scenario Sender Sender Hides Secret Message In a Cover Using a Stegokey Transmitted Carrier Appears Innocuous Receiver Decodes Secret Message by Removing the Cover Using the Stegokey Receiver Reads Secret Message Login

Steganography: Uses, Methods, Tools and Examples

This paper talks about steganography, steganography is the art or hiding data within a medium without letting others Login Login Login Login to know about that data is exsisting. I will go through an introduction about it , then explaining the background of it and more information about the uses of this technique , and how organization use it in their own good. This topic surprisingly is new for most of people who read its name , ill try to simplify the idea of this approach as much as possible.

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The internet censorship can be a protection measure. As the internet is open and comprehensive, the quality and authenticity of internet information is questionable. There are a lot of undue materials online, such as pornography and violence, which undoubtedly exerts a negative influence on people especially children physically and psychologically. Although Login Login there are several laws which regulate the illegal information and illegal activities, the laws are not complete enough to regulate all the illegal or immoral activities. It is very hard to charge a person for internet crimes, especially if the person is from a foreign website. Thus, the illegal activities and undue information are still rampant on the internet. Thus, internet censorship is needed for internet regulation. The Login Login Login Login Login censorship of internet can cleanse the internet information and protect people to some extent. Login

The advantages of internet censorship

The internet censorship can be a protection measure. As the internet is open and comprehensive, the quality and authenticity of internet information is questionable. There are a lot of undue materials online, such as pornography and violence, which undoubtedly exerts a negative influence on people especially children physically Login Login Login and psychologically. Although there are several laws which regulate the illegal information and illegal activities, the laws are not complete enough to regulate all the illegal or immoral activities. It is very hard to charge a person for internet crimes, especially if the person is from a foreign website. Thus, the illegal activities and undue information are still rampant on the internet. Thus, internet censorship is needed Login Login Login for internet regulation. The censorship of internet can cleanse the internet information and protect people to some extent.

The censorship of internet can filter the inappropriate information online and protect children from disturbing websites, such as, child pornography, sexual violence and detailed instructions in crime or drug use. The undue internet information may weaken children’s moral consciousness and pollute children’s soul. Thus, the undue websites can have a Login Login severely bad effect on the healthy growth of children or even cause adolescent crime. However, children are easy to contact undue internet information. Since parents can not monitor the web pages that children browse in any time and at any place, the censorship of internet can help the parents to filter undue websites for children and protect them from the misguidance and negative influence of internet. An opinion Login Login Login survey carried out by a professor in Charles Sturt University found that parents were worried about the pornographic content on the internet. In order to protect children from the negative influence of extreme, violent and pornographic information, 93% parents support the mandatory internet filtering.

The censorship of internet can help women. In order to get more click rate and benefits, many "adult" websites advocate violent sexual abuse of Login Login Login Login women. Many women suffer from the hell made by the internet because the internet makes them sold into slavery through the international sex trade (Mallisk, D., 2009). The censorship of internet can block access to these websites, regulate or even shut down some of these websites, and thus reduce the sexual exploitation of women in the internet. Thus, the censorship of internet can protect women to some Login Login Login Login Login

The censorship of internet can guard people from the disturbing email spam. For many net citizens, junk email is a troublesome problem. Some junk emails may have malware, and the malware will be activated when net citizens open the email. Some junk emails may be phishing schemes that attempt to steal net citizens’ identity and threatens the economic safety and privacy. Some junk emails may be fraudulent schemes Login or offensive material. Besides, there are a lot of annoying unsolicited advertisements (Mallisk, D., 2009). Spam filters can block junk emails for net citizens and make their internet life more safe and simple.

The censorship of internet can protect the life privacy of people. The inappropriate information has threatened the life privacy of Australian people. As the incident that Google Street View cars collected personal data by Login WiFi systems illegally was complained, the Australian Federal Police has involved in investigation. Australian Communications Minister Stephen Conroy accused Google of doing it deliberately and said the move was the single greatest breach in the history of privacy (Shears, R., 2010). Besides, there are some net citizens or websites that make a mala fide use of internet to diffuse others’ privacy, like others’ private video, private pictures and Login Login so on. The censorship of internet can prevent these duly. Thus, sometimes, in order to protect the privacy of people, the censorship of internet is necessary.

The censorship of internet can protect people’s economic interest. Some internet information can threaten people’s economic interest. Internet banking frauds happens frequently. The censorship of internet can filter a great deal of fraudulent information in the internet and enhance the supervision and Login Login Login Login Login control of internet banking. Due to internet censorship, a great number of financial frauds, phishing, identity thefts, credits card thefts and many other illegal activities are prevented (Manohar, U., n.d). Therefore, the economic loss of internet users are reduced or avoided.

The censorship of internet can decrease internet violence and protect people’s personal security. In Australia or even the whole world, internet bullying and violence has become Login Login a serous issue. There are many suicide cases caused by internet bullying. The internet users are anonymous and the information spread fast on the internet. Some users take advantages of internet to carry on internet violence. The users may slander, abuse others and expose others’ privacy, which will bring about great harm to the victims. Many stars are the victim of internet violence, which can even cause the Login Login Login Login Login outcome of suicide. Some websites make use of internet illegally, which will give rise to baneful influence and threaten people’s life security. Internet murders happen. Through social networking sites, internet users deceive and murder other users. There are some suicide websites that abet suicide, communicate suicide knowledge and provide suicide methods. The occurrence of all these incidents and similar incidents make the internet censorship necessary. Internet censorship can Login Login Login Login prevent unjustified defamation, limit internet violence and protect people’s life security.

The censorship of internet can help to protect social stability and national safety. Since the internet censorship can help to curb the large number of illegal activities and internet crimes, it is good to the stability of society. Some illegal organizations or people may release black information which will disturb the national economy and polity. The Login Login Login Login terrorists and extremists may release false information to distort facts, confuse the public people’s mind and create fear and panic thorough internet. These kinds of information will sabotage the national safety and must be deleted or filtered to avoid the misunderstanding of the public.

The protection is not only about the physical preservation of the people, and foremost, it is a force and guidance in the morals and Login Login Login values of the nation as a whole (Coleman, B., 2010). There are many inappropriate and immoral content and information on the internet which will have a severe negative influence on the moral and value shape of the public. The censorship of internet can help filter the undue information which may corrupt the moral standard and soul of the public. Thus the censorship of internet can protect to maintain the mainstream morals and values of the nation and help the public to form healthy and reasonable internet using consciousness. The censorship of internet attaches importance to the whole rather than individual. That is why China that believes in communism can implement stringent internet censorship.

Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. From simple essay plans, through to full Login Login Login Login dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. Login
Another bad behaviour is that some children are never learnt to be self-sufficient. It is because they have never been expected to be. Nowadays, parents want more than anything else to make their children happy. They have been sacrifice everything to make sure that their children are happy. These parents spend a Login Login Login lot of fortunes on their children as if they are made of money (Dalton 98). For example, they set up a birthday party to their children as if they were princes or princesses. In this case, it is similar to giving their grown up children expensive cars and excessive clothing allowance. Therefore, children will start to take it for granted and want more from their parents (Dalton 99). Login Login Login Login com Login

Child Development Essay

A child’s development is the process of growth of a child to teenage years, from dependency to increase independence. The early years of a child's life is essential for cognitive, social and emotional developments (Leo 3). Therefore, it is important that parents take every step necessary to ensure that children grow up in environments where their social, emotional and educational needs are Login Login Login

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The development of a child most often occur in unpredictable stages. Although every child develops in a unique way, all children are expected to get influence by their environment at different age level. Children who are between the ages of 6 and 12 grow and mature at very different rates. It Login in is normal to the children’s growth. There can be big difference in height, weight and build among healthy children. Diet, exercise and genes are all factors. Some children begin puberty or are close to it before they are teenagers (Leo 3).

Children will start to become more and more independent from their parents. For example, they may rebel against their parents. They also will look outward that Login Login Login Login Login Login is to their friends, who are usually of the same sex. Peer approval becomes very important. This child may try new behaviors to be part of "the group." This can also be the time that parents or teachers recognize learning disabilities or behavioral problems in children (Bornstein and Genevro 1). These problems can get worse as time goes on, so it is important to get help when the Login children is still young.

Young children who grow up in environment where their developmental needs are not met are at an increased risk for delays of one or more areas, such as learning and language. Failure to invest time and resources during children’s early years may have long term effects on the foster care and education systems (Bornstein and Genevro 1).

Early childhood is mainly refer to the Login Login Login Login period from birth through age five. A child’s cognitive development during early childhood, which includes building skills such as pre-reading, language, vocabulary, and numeric, begins from the moment a child is born. Developmental scientists have found that the brain acquires a tremendous amount of information about language in the first year of life even before a baby can speak. By the time babies speak or understand their first Login Login Login Login Login words, they know what is the sounds of the language they use (Leo 34).

When young children are provided an environment which is rich in learning and literacy interactions and with many opportunities to listen to and use language for many times, they can begin to acquire the needed skills in their childhood years (Leo 34). A child who go to school without these skills will become a Login Login Login Login Login high risk of starting at the back and staying behind.

Therefore, parents are a child’s first and most important teachers. A study showed that nearly 40 percent of young children are cared mainly by their parents. The Bush Administration believe that it is important to support parents and families in their most important task in life by raising their children through several means, including providing them information Login Login Login Login about early childhood development (Bornstein and Genevro 4).

A child’s social skill is often a problems to many parents. A research shows that between 15 and 20 per cent of babies are born with an apprehensive temperament, and with reference to three quarters of these babies will grow up and become a shy child. That is 11 to 15 per cent of all children (Tacio 61). In this Login Login Login case, these shy children will have difficulties in interacting with others.

Also, some children do not like to go to school because they have no friends or it is a new environment for them. One fear that keeps children from enjoying school is that they do not know how to make friends at school (Lye Ching 44). It is always happen when a child do not has good Login Login Login Login Login Login social skills or when a child is about to start to attend a new school environment.

"Threatening behaviours like scolding, harsh comment or constant nagging will not help on improving the growing of a child," says Swaminathan. "It may make a child become worse, turn the shyness into a serious social anxiety." (qtd. in Tacio 61)

Parent protecting their shy child from social interaction is not the Login Login Login answer too. For example, some parents will answer for their children at the doctor’s office, even though the doctor is asking the question to the child. "Don’t just let him retreat, but encourage interaction whenever opportunities arise," says Lau Lee Fang, a Singapore applied behaviour analysis therapist who works with children. (qtd. in Tacio 62)

According to Swaminathan gradual exposure to social situations can help a child deal Login Login Login with his or her fears and anxieties. For example, a mother bring her daughter to a party and introduce her to another child, and then suggest her daughter to show the child her doll to start the communication first. "Parents need to provide the child with opportunities to interact with people," Swaminathan says. (qtd. in Tacio 61)

Team sports is an ideal setting in which to develop social Login Login Login Login skills like co-operation, compromise and leadership. "Discover why the child is not interested. If the child is good at sports but he or she is fearful that others will judge him, then encourage, but do not force the child to sign up," advises anxiety expert Martin Antony. (qtd. in Tacio 62) The child may surprise himself and discover that he loves sports. Therefore, the child can build Login Login his self-confidence as well as social skills.

Moreover, parents can teach their child how to speak by practice speaking at home through ordinary conversations. The dinner table is the best place to do it. For example, parents should try open-ended questions like, "What should we do this weekend?" to see how their child will respond (Lye Ching 45). This lets a child to offer his own ideas without Login feeling stressed. Also, jokes will lighten up the conversation and mood for a child. This will encourage a child’s creativity and verbal expressions.

In addition, parents must be sure to practice talking with their children about their feelings. Children who have good social skills can put feelings into words. Parents can help a child to do this by giving him chances for speaking up his emotions. For example, Login Login Login parents should try to listen and sympathize, rather than minimizing their feelings.

Parents should also focus on the reading skills of their children. Many children in these days who do not read are struggle with vocabularies and understanding problems. These children have difficulties in learning the meanings of a word or remember the meanings of the word they have learn (Simmons and Kameenui 196). In this case, children Login Login Login will feel left behind when they go to school.

A good reader will start out ahead. A good reading skill is a key indicator of school success in Year One to Year Eleven. It means that what happen in the very early years has a lasting effect on learning (Simmons and Kameenui 197).

The more the parents reads, talks and sings to babies, the greater their foundation for Login Login Login Login vocabulary and understanding. The youngest ones are amazingly receptive to language (Culbreth 114). Toddlers will sit still to interact with books if their interest with questions like "who is that?" and "what else do you see?" (qtd. in Culbreth 114)

Preschool is the time for children to begin to learn the alphabets, and to become aware of the sounds that make up words that is an essential skills Login Login for reading which is known as phonemic awareness (Culbreth 114). Therefore, young school age kids need a lot of practice reading to and with their parents. Parents can try repeat reading to build fluency in their children. For example, parents read a passage and then let their child read one. This give their child’s attention to punctuations and interesting words as they read the books (Culbreth 115) Login Login Login Login

Good readers have better vocabularies. From Year Three on, children need to learn about 3000 new words a year that is eight new words a day. It takes at least four exposures to make a word on their own (Culbreth 115).

To improve a child’s word power, parents can try to spend more time with their children, such as tell stories about the past, present, and future, encourage Login Login Login play, and read a variety of books (Culbreth 114). At dinnertime, parents can tell a story about their childhood or ask about a future school event. Moreover, according to child development expert Sue Bredekamp, it is an essential way for children to improve their language skills (Simmons and Kameenui 198). Through reading a variety of books that include picture books, stories with rhymes, science or history books that Login Login give cool new information. And parents will engage child in unlimited conversations about what they read together.

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Besides that, good readers are able to preview and summarize the story of a book. As Login in parents begin a new book, they should spend a little time with the cover, suggests Francis Alexander of Scholastic Education. Read the title, look at the illustration and ask their child what he or she thinks the book is about. Every few pages or so, ask the child to retell what has happened; ask what might happen next (Culbreth 115).

The library day is the best day Login Login Login Login Login of school for many children. So, parents should bring their children to the library as often as possible. Children will search for their favourite books and read for many times that they are able to read it on their own. Being a good reader could make all the difference in the world to children’s future. Decades of research showed that enjoying reading and reading well are the biggest Login Login Login Login Login Login Login Login Login factors in a child’s school success (Culbreth 113).

As a result, prepare children to be a good reader is one of the greatest gifts parents can give to their children. Children who often struggle over words and have trouble understanding words will find a little fun in the process. In a study of American Year Five students, the most passionate readers spend more than fifty times as many Login Login minutes a day reading for pleasure comparing with less fluent readers. At the end of the year, the better readers had read more than two million more words, this creating more and more knowledge to the children (Culbreth 115).

A child’s behaviour is always cause by their own parents. Children who grow up in an environment where they always get scolded by their parents are often found Login Login to have aggressive behaviours. For example, a parent teaches her eight-year-old daughter to do spelling. When her daughter made the same mistake for three times, the parent started to yell at her. Through this incident, the children will lose her confidence and start to follow what her parents did to her (Spicer 109).

Another bad behaviour is that some children are never learnt to be self-sufficient. It is Login Login Login because they have never been expected to be. Nowadays, parents want more than anything else to make their children happy. They have been sacrifice everything to make sure that their children are happy. These parents spend a lot of fortunes on their children as if they are made of money (Dalton 98). For example, they set up a birthday party to their children as if they were princes Login Login Login Login or princesses. In this case, it is similar to giving their grown up children expensive cars and excessive clothing allowance. Therefore, children will start to take it for granted and want more from their parents (Dalton 99).

As California psychologist Wendy Mogel points out in The Blessing of a Skinned Knee , today’s parents seems to care very much about their children feeling good and often forget to teach Login Login Login them about doing good (Dalton 98). One obvious characteristic of children who have been given too much thing is that they have no sense of sympathy for others, although they have a great concern for themselves. These spoiled children will make bad roommates, bad friends, and even bad spouses. This will become a serious problem to the society.

In order to change a child’s aggressive behaviour, parents need Login Login Login Login Login to be more patient to them. In a 1999 study show by psychologists Harvey Mandel and Harold Minden at York University in Toronto, patience topped the list of skills parents thought they needed. Also, impatience is the number one attitude they did not want to pass on to their kids (Spicer 109).

For Freda Martin, a psychiatrist and founding director of the Gail Apple Institute in Toronto, being Login Login patient is often a choice. Parents choose to pay attention because they know it is important. For example, a parent waiting at the door while her preschooler is struggling to tie his shoes because she know that mastering his skills will help him gain confidence (Spicer 109). But, Martin says, "You shouldn’t have to wait for ever." Parents can just pick up their child and his shoes, Login Login and tell him, "It’s time for us to go now" without losing patience and getting angry (qtd. in Spicer 109).

Rather than getting angry, parents should learn how to manage their feelings. So, learning to be more patient is a good skill that parents can use in the moment when they are about to lose control.

Another way to improve a child’s behaviour is through communications. Parents who Login Login Login communicate more with their children starting from young will decrease the chances of children doing rebellious things. Parents who often communicate with their children are able to tell his or her problems. Therefore, these children will not get any wrong advice from their peers or outsiders.

Also, parents should never try too hard on their children, such as sacrificing personal time, friendships and their own interest to make Login Login their children happy. They should teach their children to learn to appreciate whatever they have now starting from young age. Parents must never buy everything demand by their children or giving too many advantages to them.

Therefore, a parent’s attention is essential to improve a child’s behaviour. It is important for parents to focus on their children’s needs and teach them not to become takers.

In a summary, Login Login Login Login Login parents must pay attention to their kid’s communication abilities, understanding abilities, and manner. Firstly, a kid’s communication abilities can be improve by experiencing public circumstances. That is giving them the opportunity to speak to the public. Also, becoming a member of outside activities will help kids to learn how to communication with others. Parents must also teach their kids the way how to speak at their house. Communication Login Login ability can helps kids to overcome anxiety and fear in the public.

Secondly, parents can improve a kid’s understanding abilities through reading books and studying with them. Parents who read with their kids are able to question them about what was happening in the story. Also, parent need to take their kids to the library regularly. It motivate their kids to read as many books as possible. Reading Login Login Login can improve a kid’s knowledge and word power.

Thirdly, parents can develop their kid’s manner by controlling their own temper. Parents should not yell or scold at their kids. It will create low self-esteem and inherit this behaviour to their kids. Parents also need to create conversations between their kids. They can ask question about how they feel or be a good listener to them. Plus, parents Login must not spoil their kids by buying expensive stuff to them. They need to teach their kids to learn to be more self-contained.

In conclusion, as fathers and mothers, they must pay attention to the growth of their kids since they are the upcoming age group. My opinion is that every parents must keep an eye on their children’s development and growth. There will be disabilities and behavioural Login Login Login Login problems in children if there are lack of care and love. Thus, parents play an important role in leading their children to the success of their lives. Login
So what should we do to control these side effects of social media? The first step is to thoroughly understand the certain risks that social media poses to our mental health. Then, we should learn how to self-monitor Login Login Login our behaviors on social media. I personally used this strategy by first identifying and targeting what makes me sad or anxious. After that, I removed those specific targets from my social media. Following that, I felt so much better not being surrounded by things that depress me. The other thing that helps is to reduce the time spent on these applications. I simply just moved my Instagram application Login Login from my first page to that last page. Therefore, whenever I wanted to use Instagram I had to swipe a couple of pages to get to the app. This action by itself made me use my account less than before because I had to take some time to get to the app. Login

Relationship between Social Media and Mental Health

Social media platforms have expanded a lot during Login Login Login the past decade. First, they were very simple and they mostly only had one purpose which was connecting people. Nowadays, they are way more complex with other intentions more than just connecting people. For example, advertisement is one of the major purposes and usages of social media. Yet, besides all of these good intentions, there are some side effects to it. Not only has social media been proven Login Login Login Login Login to cause unhappiness, but it can also lead to the development of mental health issues such as anxiety or depression when used too much or without caution. Mindlessly scrolling through our social media feeds when we have a few spare minutes or some hours. And as we probably know intuitively, and as the research is confirming, it’s not the best habit when it comes to psychology. Here Login Login Login Login Login are some reasons that show social media is not very good for mental well-being, and in some ways, it can be very damaging.

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One of the adverse effects of social media is depression. The greater we use social media, the less happy we seem to be. One study discovered that Facebook Login Login Login Login Login use was linked to both less happiness and less life satisfaction. The more people used Facebook in a day, the greater these two variables dropped off. The authors endorse this can also have to do with the reality that Facebook conjures up a perception of social isolation, in a way that other solitary activities do not. The authors write, "Facebook provides an invaluable resource for fulfilling such needs Login Login Login by allowing people to instantly connect. Rather than enhancing well-being, as frequent interactions with supportive ‘offline’ social networks powerfully do, the current findings demonstrate that interacting with Facebook may predict the opposite result for young adults—it may undermine it" (Steers et al., 2014, p. 701-731).

Another source mentions that "Heavy users of social media increase their risk of depression by 27 percent" (Does Social Media Cause Depression?). Many Login Login other findings suggest the same issue with social media usage. It has been an uprising problem mostly between teenagers and adolescents.

Social media may not be so social after all for young adults. One study has found very interesting results related to how much time you spent on social media including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Vine, Snapchat and Reddit, and isolation. It turns out Login that the people who reported spending the most time on social media, greater than two hours a day, had twice the odds of perceived social isolation than those who reported they spent a half hour per day or less on those sites. Furthermore, people who visited social media platforms most frequently, about 60 visits per week or more, had greater than three times perceived social isolation than those Login Login who visited fewer than 9 times per week (Primack et al., 2017, p. 1-8).

There could be two explanations for these results. One could be that when people feel lonely or socially isolated, they use these platforms as a way to escape their isolation and feel less lonely. Another reason for this matter could be that when people spend a lot of time on social media, they become Login Login Login isolated as a result of that. We are already witnessing people with their heads down on their phones all the time in public. So, the social media platforms may not be a very good help in connecting people after all.

Unrealistic social media comparison and envy could cause a drop in mood. Passively using social media, and just lurking in people’s posts and stories could cause this Login Login Login Login Login Login Login Login problem. The truth is that some people enjoy showing off the highlights of their life. Many people portrait their lives as just perfect with no flaws. They are always happy, and their lives are full of great achievements. The problem is that people sometimes tend to forget that what is shown to them on social media is only a part of someone’s life and not all of it. Thus, Login Login Login Login we start to feel envious when we compare our everyday lives with other people’s highlight which is all social media really is.

When you fall into the trap of comparing your private self with other people’s public personas, you are will feel inferior to others. One solution for this problem is to limit your time and usage of passively using social media. Choose what content you want Login Login Login Login Login Login Login Login to see on your feed and ignore the rest. Accept yourself for who you are, and always remember that what you see is not completely the reality of someone’s life (BBC News, 2016).

The other thing that social media effect is sleep and circadian rhythm. The mobile devices and computer monitors used to view social media websites all emit high degrees of blue light. This artificial light disrupts Login Login healthy sleep cycles. The blue light included in artificial light is the most damaging to humans. Blue light suppresses melatonin production greater than other wavelengths. Blue light suppresses melatonin via the sensors in our eyes, therefore, makes it hard for us to fall asleep. Browsing social media before bed is no longer simply distracting you from sleep, but also it can literally stop you from being sleepy at Login all (Holzman, 2010).

A connection between sleep and mental health is properly established. It has been proven that people who suffer from anxiety tend to spend much less time in deep sleep than those without anxiety (Monti & Monti, 2000). It is well-known that long term sleep deprivation and anxiety are clearly not good for the physical or mental health of a person.

Our academic experts are ready Login and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs.

From my own experiences, I think that social media gets a huge part of our daily lives. After using the Moment application and tracking my everyday activities, I found out that I spend about 2 and a half hours on Instagram. Also, I have noticed that because of social media, I am having attention problems. I tend to check my account everywhere I am in any time of the day. Sometimes I do it automatically without any specific intentions. Wasting time and attention deficits are two other major problems that these platforms are causing.

According to British Neurologist Greenfield," The short-attention-span issue is linked Login Login Login Login to the idea that social networking encourages the reward center of the brain to signal as it does with drug use, due to the instantly gratifying nature of these simulated interactions". Greenfield declares that the unexpectedly taking place interchanges current in these websites will accustom the brain to operate on these unrealistic timescales. As a result, when one finds that responses are not right away forthcoming, Greenfield suggests Login Login that behaviors of Attention Deficit Disorder will grow to be common in adolescents, a diagnosis on the rise for years (Foehr, 2006).

So what should we do to control these side effects of social media? The first step is to thoroughly understand the certain risks that social media poses to our mental health. Then, we should learn how to self-monitor our behaviors on social media. I personally used Login Login Login Login Login Login this strategy by first identifying and targeting what makes me sad or anxious. After that, I removed those specific targets from my social media. Following that, I felt so much better not being surrounded by things that depress me. The other thing that helps is to reduce the time spent on these applications. I simply just moved my Instagram application from my first page to that last page. Therefore, Login Login Login Login Login Login Login .com Login whenever I wanted to use Instagram I had to swipe a couple of pages to get to the app. This action by itself made me use my account less than before because I had to take some time to get to the app.

In conclusion, social media has some benefits too. It obviously keeps us connected across great distances, and helps us find people we had lost Login Login Login Login Login Login Login touch with years ago. But getting on social when you are bored or need an emotional lift, is likely a very bad idea. Based on all of the research that has been done on this subject, some main issues have got more attention. Depression can be caused by heavy usage of social media or feeling envious towards other peoples’ achievements. Isolation is another problem. You may be Login Login Login Login Login Login isolated because of your heavy usage, or use social media because you are isolated. Furthermore, sleep deprivation because of the blue light that comes from our screen could also be a threat to our health. Lack of enough sleep could also lead to depression and anxiety. Social media could also be so distracting. Getting numerous notifications from your accounts distracts you from your daily activities to just check Login Login Login Login what is happening online. All of these issues are preventable only if you could have self-control on your behaviors. Controlling and determining how often you should check your accounts is the key factor in this subject.

  • Brian A. Primack, Ariel Shensa, Jaime E. Sidani, Erin O. Whaite, Liu yi Lin, Daniel Rosen, et al. (2017). Social Media Use and Perceived Social Isolation Among Young Adults in the Login Login Login Login Login Login Login U.S. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 53, 1-8
  • Does Social Media Cause Depression? (n.d.). How heavy Instagram and Facebook use may be affecting kids negatively. Retrieved from
  • Facebook lurking makes you miserable, says study. (2016). BBC News. Retrieved from
  • Foehr, U.G. (2006). Media multitasking among American youth: Prevalence, predictors and pairings. The Kaiser Foundation. Retrieved from Login Login Login media/7593
  • Holzman, D. (2010). What’s in a color? The unique human health effects of blue light. Environmental Health Perspectives, 118(1), A22-A27
  • Mai-Ly N. Steers, Robert E. Wickham, and Linda K. Acitelli. (2014). Seeing Everyone Else’s Highlight Reels: How Facebook Usage is Linked to Depressive Symptoms. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology: Vol. 33, No. 8, pp. 701-731. Retrieved from Login 1521/jscp.2014.33.8.701
  • Monti, J.M. & Mohti, D. (2000). Sleep disturbance in generalized anxiety disorder and its treatment. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 4, 263-276. Login
Example essay. Last modified: 11th Aug 2021 Login


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Values & Ethics of Social Work Practice Login Example essay. Last modified: 12th Aug 2021 Login Why is Social Work Important. Login

Social Work Essays (Page 1)

Applications of Psychoanalytic Theory to Social Care Practice

Example essay. Last modified: 18th Nov 2021

Managing Quality in Health and Social Care

Example essay. Last Login Login ogin modified: 13th Oct 2021

Features of a Professional Assessment in Social Work

Example essay. Last modified: 13th Oct 2021

Advocacy in Social Work

Example essay. Last modified: 13th Oct 2021

Working Mother Base on Attachment Theory

Example essay. Last modified: 27th Sep 2021

Cause and Effects of the Rise in Cohabitation

Example essay. Last modified: 27th Sep 2021

Mental Health Policy Thesis Statement

Example essay. Last modified: 20th Sep 2021

Analysis of Personal Login Login Login Login Login Login Experiences with Power, Privilege and Difference

Example essay. Last modified: 17th Sep 2021

Social Services Structure and Function

Example essay. Last modified: 8th Sep 2021

Social Work Interventions and Effective Discharge Planning

Example essay. Last modified: 27th Aug 2021

The Role of Women in Society and the Church

Example essay. Last modified: 24th Aug 2021

Engagement, Assessment, Goal Setting and Contracting for Client Relationship Development

Example essay. Last modified: 23rd Aug 2021

Values Login & Ethics of Social Work Practice

Example essay. Last modified: 17th Aug 2021

Why is Social Work Important?

Example essay. Last modified: 12th Aug 2021

Vulnerability of Adults with Learning Disabilities

Example essay. Last modified: 12th Aug 2021

Task-Centred Practice & Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy use to Support Change in Social Work

Example essay. Last modified: 11th Aug 2021

Child Death Inquiries & the Implications for Social Work With Children & Families

Example essay. Last Login ogin modified: 11th Aug 2021

Anti-oppressive Theory and Practice in Social Work

Example essay. Last modified: 11th Aug 2021

Task Centred Approach and The Crisis Intervention Method

Example essay. Last modified: 11th Aug 2021

Analysis Of The RTPI's Code Of Conduct

Example essay. Last modified: 11th Aug 2021

Conflict of Personal and Professional Values in Social Work

Example essay. Last modified: 10th Aug 2021

Exploring The Issue Of Workplace Violence

Example essay. Last Login modified: 10th Aug 2021

The Development Of Social Work

Example essay. Last modified: 10th Aug 2021

What attracts you to the field of social work?

Example essay. Last modified: 10th Aug 2021

Social Work Reflective Essay

Example essay. Last modified: 10th Aug 2021

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